Fresh olives right off the tree are available for just a few short months. Olive purchases are shipped on a first come first serve basis. .
~ Fun Olive Facts ~
- Olives are good for you full of “good” HDL monounsaturated fat believed to lower bad artery clogging LDL cholesterol levels.
- Olives are also full of fiber, vitamin E (an important antioxidant), copper, and other nutrients. So snack away! Olives are not only yummy but good for you too!
- Each olive has less than 6 calories.
- It takes 7 liters of olives to make a little less than 1 liter of olive oil.
- The world consumes nearly 2 and a half million tons of olives every year.
- It is believed that the first olive trees came from countries surrounding the Mediterranean Sea. Brought later to North America in the 1700's.
- Olives have been around for quite some time. They have been noted in a 2000 year-old Roman cookbook, on carvings on tombs of pharaohs, and of course is mentioned several times in the bible.
- The olive flower is white and only appears after 4 years, however most olive trees are not harvested until they are roughly 14 years old.
- The olive branch appears on 7 national flags, four U.S. states, and on the United Nations Flag. A true symbol of peace and good will. With such high regard around the world, the olive is truely a treasured fruit.
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