Romantic Red Bouquet Lace Choker Necklace
White lace with scallops of red flowers along the bottom.
Red, White, and Black Embroidered Ribbon Choker
Ruby Red Velvet Choker
Red velvet weaved into the center of this heavy braided trim. Very hot!
Kiss Me You Fool Ribbon Choker Necklace
This sweet little necklace just didn't photo well for me. It's a shiny black satin finish with metallic red writing that repeats "Kiss Me" separated by sexy red lip prints.
Love on Fire Lace Choker Necklace
Red Riding Hood
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This fully adjustable lace choker adds a real racy yet feminine attitude to your look. Appealing enough to get noticed but not over stated. Available in Red, Pink, or White
Also Available in
Indian Inspirations
Stars and Stripes Patriotic Jewelry
Hawaiian Vacation
Ribbon Choker
Romantic Heart Red Lace Choker
Sold Out
More beaded lace chokers coming soon!