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Glass Gold Pearl
Elegance and Grace
Red Berry
Short Earrings
My Blue Heart Earrings
Sold Out
Pink Crackle Glass Clip Earrings
Kimmies Iridescent Teal Earrings
Mysterious Glow in the Dark Earrings
This pair of earrings are perfect for day wear with cute little pearl accents, & unleash your mysterious side when the lights go out & the earrings start to glow.
Red and Gold Cubed Earrings
Slate Green Mini Dangle Earrings
Turquoise Clip Earrings
The Pink Light, Baby!
Black Glass Drops from India
Everyday Cuties
Red Iridescent Drips
Out of Stock
Golden Glow Earrings
Clear Iridescent Crystal Studs
Also available in red, blue, & green
Pink Crystal Studs
$5.00 each
Sold Out